What are Gaming Cryptocurrencies

Video games and online games offering benefits like Tote Ireland Promo Code have been booming in the industry for the past 20 years. Even prior to that, video games were purchased by the millions, but, at the time, the internet wasn’t as fast or widespread, nor was the technology there to make esports titles a reality.

Today, gamers create a lot of revenue, estimated over 100 billion per year. That number is expected to grow over the coming years.

Investors have started to look at gaming as a very profitable ground, yet cryptocurrencies beat them to the punch. Even though cryptocurrencies were not as popular 5 years ago as they are today. Businesses are booming and gaming-centric cryptocurrencies have popped up.

Here are some of the top gaming cryptocurrencies as of today.


This coin was known by the name GamersCoin for a while, but changed the name to GameCredits, and with an appropriate reason. The entire idea of this open source cryptocurrency is to provide both gamers and developers with alternative ways of selling and purchasing the content they want. Gamers can purchase in-game content and video games while developers can sell their games and get quicker payouts and with more revenue, compared to Google Play and the App Store. The coin is relatively old, given the history of cryptocurrencies, being created in 2015.


MobileGo is based on Ethereum and is aimed at making esports tournaments available to everyone. It was created by the above-mentioned GameCredits, meaning similar goals of decentralized purchases and tournaments with great rewards and fast payouts. One of the aims is also to reward content creators and streamers, who often tend to be neglected by the major companies whose games they are playing and therefore, advertising.


Refereum, as its name might suggest, is a quick and easy way of connecting developers with influencers, meaning streamers and content creators. This allows both sides of the coin to communicate better and create a working marketing and reward scheme.

The growth of a game means more rewards and profit for everyone. Extra engagement is also rewarded, as gamers get paid, as well as influencers, not to mention developers.

Enjin Coin

 Enjin is already a successful social network and has over 18 million users. With such a huge following and an Ethereum-based coin, they aim to allow gamers, content creators and developers to profit without much hassle and publisher taxes. Virtual trading is enhanced and everyone should profit.

These are some of the most promising cryptocurrencies that are directly involved with gaming and esports. They will most likely have the most effect, some have even been active for a while. There are more cryptocurrencies that are gaming-related, yet these ones are the most promising, so follow them carefully.
